
92% support for the public's right to view vote counting

From Zogby:


Americans Concerned About Election Transparency and Security
New poll shows more than 60% have heard news reports of flaws in new electronic voting equipment
A majority of Americans—61%—are aware of news reports of flaws in electronic voting machines and want members of the general public to be able to watch votes be counted following an election, a new Zogby International poll shows.
The telephone survey of 1,018 likely voters was conducted Aug. 11-15, 2006. It carries a margin of error of +/- 3.1 percentage points.
Asked whether Americans have the right to view and obtain information about how elections officials count votes, 92% of respondents concurred.
"The 92% support for the public's right to view vote counting and obtain information about it is a very strong political value of transparency and against secret vote counting outside the observation of the public," said Paul Lehto, a lawyer and sponsor of the survey. "To put this figure in context, support for election transparency exceeds the support for tax cuts, exceeds the approval of Pres. Bush immediately after 9-11, and virtually all other political values being measured." Mr. Lehto is counsel in the 50th Congressional District election contest in California.

Failure to perform

From DailyKos:

  • Iraq is both a failure of Bush performance and policy. While we can argue about how to get out, the conclusion denied by the WH is nonetheless conventional wisdom
  • Katrina was and is a failure both of Bush performance and policy. The anniversary is coming, and the spotlight on NOLA will not be pretty.
  • The war on terror is a failure of Bush performance and policy. Most people do not think we are winning; those who buy the crap about iraq being part of it are just as likely to feel that way as those who don't.



AlterNet: Another 9/11 Coverup in the Making?



The author of a new book about the mistakes that led to 9/11 accuses the National Geographic Channel of diluting a documentary about the book in order to protect the government.


New Tapes Disclose Confusion Within the Military on Sept. 11


The above article references an article posted this week on the Web site of Vanity Fair magazine (www.vanityfair. com). The Web site includes links http://www.vanityfair.com/ to excerpts from the actual tapes.



The results are amazing! Vote, then check it out--they have collected 1/4 of a million votes.

Real Damage

Ever wonder what else happened as a result of the Bush/Cheney cabal outing Valerie Plame Wilson as a CIA non-official cover agent?

They will argue about their motive, and at the same time deny that they "explicitly said her name."


But, who else got hurt? Do you think this mattered to them?


From the Wayne Madsen Report:

After Mrs. Wilson's name and identity of her cover company were revealed by the White House to the media, at least one CIA non-official cover agent monitoring Iran's nuclear weapons program was tortured and executed, according to our intelligence sources. In addition, WMR has learned that covert Iranian backchannels employed by a current member of the U.S. House of Representatives in support of Plame's Brewster Jennings & Associates network were thoroughly compromised by the White House leak. The member of Congress, who, like Plame, had been an earlier CIA "non-official cover (NOC) energy consultant" in the Middle East during the late 1970s and early 80s, and who was familiar with the early weapons of mass destruction proliferation involving the A. Q. Khan network of Pakistan, Libya, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, was compromised and he and his connections to the Brewster Jennings & Associates intelligence network and Iranian government contacts were made known to adversarial intelligence agencies. The staff of the member whose covert Iranian contact network was compromised was targeted and tainted with Jack Abramoff money, putting the U.S. Representative in extreme political jeopardy.
