
So much for the "self-regulating" US legal profession

"State-bar associations are never going to take the lead". http://rawstory.com/news/2007/Some_attorneys_think_Gonzales_may_be_0530.html

Is it any wonder that America's lawyers have done nothing about this reckless, illegal White House and their unAmerican activities? They've refused to prosecute this President and VP. They refuse to regulate their own, and don't you know it--that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Lawyers have to take an oath to defend the Constitution.
So, why do they remain silent?

Step up, legal community! Let's see some indictments against people who know of the illegal conduct, but refuse to consider disbarring Gonzalez. If Gonzalez isn't going to be challenged, widen the net and challenge those who are not doing their jobs to defend the Constitution.

Make the American legal community explain why they refuse to prosecute this sitting VP and President outside impeachment.

Think about it: Prosecuting US government officials, outside impeachment.

1. Lazy lawyers can be prosecuted by a Grand Jury.
2. Some states allow voters to sign petitions to get grand juries empaneled.

If the legal profession won't break their silence to do this, it's time for We the People to defend our beloved Constitution.



Dem party gets new name

watch video

From 5/25/07

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Wolfowitz -- is there something they've left out?

Wolfowitz is MARRIED?!
Did you ever hear about his wife and three kids on mainstream news? The media always called her his girlfriend as though they were single and dating. (And wasn't it easy to see Wolfowitz as a single man? )
But wait, there's even more:


Another one hangs up his brown shirt

Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty says that he will resign.


Have You Ever Seen Such a Diverse Set of Scandals from a Single Administration?

As reported by WMR on May 10:
Vice President Dick Cheney, while CEO of Halliburton, was a client of the escort service of DC Madam, Deborah Jeane Palfrey. In addition, one of Cheney's closest military advisers and friends was also a client of the DC Madam's Pamela Martin & Associates escort service. Cheney used the escort service while he was a part time resident of the posh Ballantrae section of McLean, Virginia. 
Did ABC really kill the story? Inquiring minds want to know.
If I were to write a book, I'd use this title:
Son of a Bush: Administration of a Thousand Scandals
A Scandal a Day Keeps the Press Unfocused

Someone's fantasy overtook the news at CNN yesterday
