
Anthrax Attacks Linked to the Bush Administration?

Remember how, right after 9/11, the anthrax attacks began, and targeted mostly liberals and Democrats, and the media tried to link it to Iraq? Interesting links are emerging. This is from the Glenn Greenwald blog on Salon.com

ABC and Brian Ross -- back in October and November 2001 -- were the driving force, really the exclusive force, behind news reports strongly suggesting that Iraq and Saddam Hussein were responsible for the anthrax attacks on the U.S. There are several very important issues arising from those events which I strongly believe merit real attention. This post is somewhat lengthy because it is vital to set forth the facts clearly.

Last week, I excerpted several of the Saddam-anthrax reports from ABC and Ross, but there are others. ABC aggressively promoted as its top story for days on end during that highly provocative period of time

Now, think about this.
  • Who had a motive to link it to Iraq? (knowing all that we know now~)
  • Who had the contacts, and opportunity, to leak the information to people who ABC would use as sources?
  • Who would send anthrax to Democrats and members of the media who are perceived as left of center--but not to any Republican?
Read the rest of Greenwald's blog here:


Dan Rather's Downfall Smells Rovian

My gut instinct tells me that Rove et al forged the documents and made sure that they got into Rathers hands in order to take him down --just like the same players had the yellow cake documents forged to help justify this disaster of a war with Iraq.

Ambassador Joe Wilson exposed that lie, and we see what happens to the truth-tellers.

The Bushes have always perceived Dan Rather as a threat because he is an honest man, a serious reporter who could have stopped George Bush from stealing the election.

What they took from Rather was the very things that threatened Bush's rise to power: Rather's credibility, and ultimately, his position.

I am confident that someday, someone from the Native Texan Bush team will come forward and expose their involvement in this; perhaps even recounting the story of a trip to the National Guard post to destroy certain documents.

I've cracked the Bush Code!

BUSH IS telling the truth when he talks about money matters. I listened to him this morning, speaking about the budget and economic matters. It's his Fortune Cookie strategy. Instead of adding the words "in bed" . . .
You add "for the rich" after every statement. Only then does what he says make sense and rings true to a person like Bush.


In Defense of the Move-on Ad: Its Important Message


People who found the Move-on ad "disgusting" may have missed the point. Petreasis simply the latest in a long line of "good soldiers" who have been told to put lipstick on the pig.

He is the Colin Powell of the moment.



Kudos to Snowpuppy over at Alternet.org
This makes no attempt to be comprehensive.

1999: The US Senate fails to uphold a single motion to challenge voting irregularities and widespread voter disenfranchisement in Florida.

Congress and Senate allow the Supreme Court to appoint a president, rather than counting the votes or holding a new election.

2001: The Bush admin cuts anti-terror funding.

Bush remains on vacation in Crawford, TX despite warning of impending bin Laden attack from CIA, and fails to raise alert levels for the FAA, Ports, major cities - anywhere. Claims the threat was "too vague" to be actionable.

The entire bin Laden family is escorted and flown out of the US without thorough questioning despite a no-fly condition.

Anthrax attacks on Democrats in the Congress and Senate and news media outlets while the US Patriot Act is hastily considered and passed - the first steps in gutting the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution.

2002: The Bush admin diverts the US towards attacking Iraq, and away from bin Laden.

2005: Despite warnings caught on AP video, Bush denies hearing warnings about potential Katrina aftermath, and remains on vacation even as New Orleans was drowning.

2006-2007: Newly elected Democratic Congress fails to show any more backbone than the previous, Republican-led Congress, and continues to enable the most corrupt administration in American


Salon: Former CIA officers report Bush 'didn't give a fuck about intelligence'

<img src=http://www.antiwar.com/photos/perm/bush-tenet.jpg vspace=5 hspace=5 align=right border=1>

Months before the Iraq invasion, President Bush apparently ignored a 2002 Oval Office briefing in which CIA director George Tenet provided the president with intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not possess weapons of mass destruction, according to former Clinton advisor and Salon columnist Sidney Blumenthal.

Reporting in <a href=http://www.salon.com/opinion/blumenthal/2007/09/06/bush_wmd/> Salon</a>, Blumenthal writes that according to his sources, two former CIA officers,"Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam's inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again."

Blumenthal also adds that ..


Hey, I just saw this article over at RawStory.com I thought you might like. Check it out!
