
Keith Olbermann Buries President Bush With Truth

'nuff said.

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The Black Holocaust

It is hard to find a crueler or more duplicitous government than Sudan's. It is horrendous to see how grown men can waste time to discuss how many U.N. staff should there be—as opposed to African Union staff—while women and children die every day in the field.

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The Black Holocaust

It is hard to find a crueler or more duplicitous government than Sudan's. It is horrendous to see how grown men can waste time to discuss how many U.N. staff should there be—as opposed to African Union staff—while women and children die every day in the field.

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FEC INVESTIGATING McCain, May Force Him To Public Financing

I know the big McCain story for today is the one covering his inappropriate, intimate friendship with lobbiest Vicki Iseman. There's another story with possibly BIGGER implications: the GOP Chair of the FEC is demanding McCain prove he did not mislead them to get a loan from them - or the FEC will force McCain to take public financing.

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How the Spooks Took over the News

A controversial new book argues that shadowy intelligence agencies are pumping out black propaganda and the media simply swallow it wholesale.

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Election Madness

By Howard Zinn...Our objective should be to build, painstakingly, patiently but energetically, a movement that, when it reaches a certain critical mass, would shake whoever is in the White House, in Congress, into changing national policy on matters of war and social justice.

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Microsoft releases hospital IT system as Amalga

While many hospital computing companies go to market and then sign key contracts, Amalga already has key customers in place and operating.

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We need "people's impeachment hearings" across U.S.

If sanity is to be restored in our national policies, it can only come about by a great popular upheaval, pushing both parties into compliance with the national will. The Declaration of Independence contains a guide to action: Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.

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We need "people's impeachment hearings" across U.S.

If sanity is to be restored in our national policies, it can only come about by a great popular upheaval, pushing both parties into compliance with the national will. The Declaration of Independence contains a guide to action: Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.

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Fourth undersea cable cut near UAE, suspicions rise

For the fourth time in a week, an undersea communications cable in the Mediterranean Sea has apparently been cut, and while no official reports of subversion have surfaced just yet, things are beginning to get suspicious.

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Fourth undersea cable cut near UAE, suspicions rise

For the fourth time in a week, an undersea communications cable in the Mediterranean Sea has apparently been cut, and while no official reports of subversion have surfaced just yet, things are beginning to get suspicious.

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Fourth undersea cable cut near UAE, suspicions rise

For the fourth time in a week, an undersea communications cable in the Mediterranean Sea has apparently been cut, and while no official reports of subversion have surfaced just yet, things are beginning to get suspicious.

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***************** Why does the MSM not report on these important matters? *****************


The main stream media is still ignoring this story. The rest of the world knows about all this. Don't you think they wonder why we impeached a president for a b.j., yet the powers of the fourth estate are turning their collective heads so that they do not see.

Edmonds' credentials are impeccable. No one is disputing the story.
So, you HAVE to ask yourself why this isn't being covered. It would seem to be a civic service--no, a DUTY!-- to air this treasonous profiteering so that we can bring it to an end!
Here is the latest news:
Philip Giraldi Slams the American MSM, Says Former FBI Translator's Allegations of the Sale of U.S. Nuke Secrets to the Foreign Black Market 'Must be Heard'...

Former CIA analyst and international security and counter-terrorism expert, Philip Giraldi has filed some of the American media's best reports (even though we realize that's not necessarily saying much) on the Sibel Edmonds case. 


If you missed it a week or two ago, Giraldi filed a detailed report on the latest of Edmonds' allegations on the sale of U.S. nuclear secrets, on the foreign black market, to friend and foe alike, as aided and abetted by very high-ranking U.S. officials. His article, published at American Conservative Magazine, and titled "Found in Translation", is a must read for both folks new to the issue, and those who may have missed a beat or two along the way.


The case also, if you haven't noticed, ties into the Valerie Plame Wilson/Brewster Jennings CIA Leak Case, and includes allegations that her cover company was outed to foreign agents by the #3 in the State Department, Marc Grossman, years before Robert Novak wrote his infamous column blowing the cover of the previously covert Plame Wilson.


Giraldi has now posted a slightly more general read this morning at Huffington Post, in an article titled "Sibel Edmonds Must Be Heard". The piece offers both an easily readable summary of the case so far, and another scathing (and well-deserved) condemnation of the American corporate mainstream media for all but ignoring the story.


Interesting websites

The name says it all.
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Want to know more about the anonymous person who keeps rewriting the wikipedia information that you just fixed? You can search here:
 On the right side is a list of editor's picks: organizations (NRA, ACLU, RAND Corp), government agencies (CIA), corporations (Diebold) who have been making wikipedia edits, anonymously. Careful--it could be all-consuming!