Programs teaching U.S. schoolchildren to abstain from sex have not cut teen pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases or delayed the age at which sex begins.
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New Chemotherapy Alternative will Only Target Cancer Cells
Trials to eliminate cancer cells when they have spread throughout the body of a patient with cancer could start in London within two years. Cancers become deadly when they spread to seed new tumors throughout the body and the hope is that the treatment could be an alternative to chemotherapy drugs that can cause nausea and hair loss.
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There is nothing that war has ever achieved we could not better achieve without it.
- Havelock Ellis 1859-1939, British Psychologist
Quote of the Day
"You measure democracy by the freedom it gives its dissidents, not by the freedom it gives its assimilated conformists"--Abbie Hoffman
Bush: Yeah, We Signed Off on Torture. So What?
ABC finally got a hold of President Bush to respond to its story that top administration officials, as members of the National Security Council's Principals Committee, had signed off on "enhanced interrogation" techniques in 2002 that included waterboarding. And Bush doesn't understand what the big deal is:
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Constitutional lawyer: Bush 'ordered war crimes'
Congress isn't investigating the White House because it does "not want to deal with the fact that the president ordered war crimes," Constitutional law prof Jonathan Turley says.Meanwhile the commander of troops at Guantanamo is "sick of it" when he keeps hearing about detainee abuse there. He's only been at Gitmo for two months...
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Top Dems to Mukasey: Fork over the 9/11 memo
Letter demands Bushie AG turn over memo outlining Executive's super-duper terrorism-fighting powers, explain how government failed to possibly prevent 9/11 by lawfully intercepting call they knew was coming through.
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Catapulting The Piepaganda
Since Nancy refuses to serve impeachment for dinner and Harry only promises to scowl at Bush when approving of more endless war funds, I offer the following therapeutic video of William 'The Bloody' Kristol as he takes a pie in the face from someone who obviously disapproves of his war architecting skillz.
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Pentagon papers leaker: Iraq invasion 'supreme war crime'
The man who leaked secret documents about the US war in Vietnam has a name for the invasion of Iraq: "Supreme war crime." He also has appellations for President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney: "domestic enemies of the constitution" and "war criminals."
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