Obama says he'll order review of executive orders
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Documents show Georgia's Secretary of State knew of Diebold
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WA Post: Justice Officials Repeatedly Broke Law on Hiring
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Way to spot suspicious activity, Bank of America. NOT.
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CBS Busted Violating its own Standards to Help McCain
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Rights group wants US officials probed for ordering torture
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susanswilk has shared a video with you on YouTube: A rare secret session was held to discuss FISA provisions that had expired. Watch your freedoms carefully. Be vigilant of our rights. | |
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Bush Tours America To Survey Damage Caused By His Presidency
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Another Soulless Bush Appointee
The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) is latest in the long list of agencies tainted with the hallmark trio of Bush characteristics of cronyism, corruption, and politicization. The only thing surprising about this story is that Bush knows so many soulless people to appoint to ruin agencies. POGO reports:
"Last week, in an extraordinary letter of resignation obtained by POGO, Deputy Jim Byrne stated that the agency is in desperate need of a leader who can put "OSC's mission and OSC's people ahead of political agendas and personal vendettas." Bloch is currently being investigated by a Grand Jury, the Office of Personnel Management Inspector General, and the FBI for retaliating against career employees in his agency, obstructing justice, and using his office for political purposes, among other things."
Terrorism Funds May Let Brass Fly in Style
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GOP cyber-security expert: Diebold tampered with 2002 voting!
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Bugliosi Lays Out the Evidence Against Bush
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Let's examine this fellow who is helping McCain formulate Iraq policy: Randy Scheunemann.
A news item today quoted this guy, saying that the real Bush III is Obama, giving some contorted pseudo-logic as evidence. He must have studied under Rove, but the statement is so wildly out-there as to provoke great guffaws of laughter. So, he is a failed Rove acolyte, unable to sell eyeglasses to the blindman.
According to Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo:
"Scheunemann was a core participant in the lobbying, plotting and organized
campaigns of deception that led America to war in Iraq. He was a close
collaborator with Ahmad Chalabi through the 1990s. He helped draft the Iraq
Liberation Act, which created the new funding stream for Chalabi's Iraqi
National Congress. At the start of the Bush administration he signed on as Don
Rumsfeld's 'consultant' on Iraq at the Pentagon. And then when the
administration started cranking up the machinery for the propaganda campaign in
favor of war he went back on the outside to form and lead the Committee for the
Liberation of Iraq, to lead the press and lobbying campaign to make sure the war
got started on schedule.
Remember, US intelligence later found evidence that
Chalabi, in addition to foisting a bunch of bogus intelligence and lying
informers on the US and pocketing a lot of US taxpayer dollars, had provided
highly classified US intelligence to Iran. Scheunemann worked closely with
Chalabi for years in his efforts to get the US into war with Iraq. He was also a
go-between between Chalabi and McCain. Now that he's taking such a high-profile
role on the Iraq issue in the 2008, Scheunemann's history with Chalabi and the
use of bogus intelligence to get the nation into war is unquestionably highly
Bush has a Secret Presidential Succession Plan
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Hey all you "Strong on Crime" Hard-Asses!! Criminals Are About to Get Off Scot-Free!!!!!
How can we ensure that justice is done? How can we undo so much damage?
--How can we ensure that an administration can never "Go Rogue" again, with a stranglehold on the press, eliminating the checks and balances we once had.
--How can we ensure that future administrations can't get away with psy-ops, fascism, and mega-billions of gifts to their corporate buddies, while engaging in widescale destruction of evidence to hide their crimes, and walk away scot-free?
--How did this group of people get away with murder--literally--and walk away without SHAME!!, without a care, without a worry that Justice may prevail--and with their pockets stuffed with money, and promising futures as lobbyists for the oil and gas sector, or Halliburton, or big pharma companies, all of whom have benefitted from their odious policies, made by people who are so out of touch with the average American that they think that we're in a "mental recession"?!
I am furious. I want Justice.
Since rank incompetence and sociopathic disdain for the non-wealthy are not in and of thenselves crimes, these people must pay for their actual crimes.
Lying to the American people, to Congress, when they painted Iraq as an imminent threat from which would rain down nuclear bombs,
Conducting psy-ops on the country to convince us
Not only do we need separation of church and state reinstated, we need an iron curtain between the press and the news makers. They are too cozy--yes, Ailes, calling the White House to get the days talking points is off-limits. So is receiving them by email or fax.
Refusing Congressional access to Executive branch documents is unconstitutional --they must be able to perform their Constitutional duty of Congressional oversight. The Constitution is the highest law of the land, but Bush thinks it is "just a piece of paper." There must be no doubt about ts standing after Bush leaves office.
When the illegitimacy of Bush's term is conclusively proven in a court of law, I submit that all of its secret executive orders, signing statements, and Supreme Court appointments can and must be overturned.
We must put the country back on an honest, transparent track.
You say there are no provisions in the Constitution for this? Well WRITE ONE, dammit. There must be someone courageous and intelligent enough to know what must be done in these extraordinary circumstances.
Our system did not work this time. The American system of justice provided for IMPEACHMENT in these cases, but for whatever reason, an opposition leader stood in the way of this mechanism of Justice and prevented impeachment.
Our system is broken. When the next President takes the oath of office, he must mend the Constitution and the courts so that an administration may never be permitted to Go Rogue again.
Major Discovery: Pathologists Have Found the Weakness of HIV
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McCain slip: 'Get those offshore reserves exploited'
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Not seen in American news. Bush can't stand up to real questions from a real journalist
Rats Laugh When You Tickle Them (Here's the Sound They Make)
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Rove disses Congress-isn't it time for a perp-walk?
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SQUIRMY McCain Dodges Birth Control Question
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Ancient 'Dead Sea' Stone Tablet Might Rewrite the Bible
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Kucinich to bring single article of impeachment Thursday
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Tell Sen. Grassley he can't monitor your online transactions
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UK Says US Lying Over Rendition Flights
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Bush Edits Out Jefferson's Anti-Religious Views
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Flash Messages
This is sweet!! Imagine what we could do to promote progressive philosophy with this! For example, go to where Reagan is buried and deliver the message "I was wrong to kill the electric car."