Men Break Silence on WWII--Torture DOESN'T WORK
For six decades, they held their silence. The group of World War II veterans kept a military code and the decorum of their generation, telling virtually no one of their top-secret work interrogating Nazi prisoners of war at Fort Hunt.
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Massive Police Raids On Suspected Protestors In Minneapolis
Several "hippie homes" are raided this morning by automatic-weapon-wielding police squads.
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Waterboarding?! What was all THIS about??
There was much ado about waterboarding and whether it was torture or not. (It was, it is, it always will be.)
The waterboarding discussion was a diversion from a discussion of the more serious and disturbing torture that goes on, such as what this picture shows.
Contrast these immoral acts with those of the interrogators of WWII, who discovered that chess games and steak dinners yield far more information than does rough treatment, much less anything like this.
Rove: Palin is Unqualified
Rove argues that Kaine’s mayorship of Richmond (pop. 200,000+) and 3 years as Governor of Virginia (pop. 7,712,091, GDP $383 million) has been insignificant. That means Palin’s mayorship of Wasilla (pop. 8,000+) and 20 months as Alaska governor (pop. 683,478, GDP $44.5 million) makes her even less qualified than Kaine?
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Investigators Are Looking at Governor About Firing
Although portrayed as a champion of ethics reform, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska became the subject of a state ethics investigation a few weeks ago.
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Cindy Sheehan Bugged in Denver
Cindy Sheehan returned to her Denver hotel room today to find the door unlocked and ajar. She walked in to discover a man working on her phone, screw driver in hand.
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Police slam CodePink protester to the ground
Police slam CodePink protester to the ground, call her a "bitch" before arresting her. This is deeply disturbing. I see unnecessary violence against a protester, and an arrest to prevent her from speaking to the camera. I see a lawsuit.Friends, this could have been me.
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Little Noted but Important Speech In Denver today --by Dan Rather
Dan Rather gave a talk today at the convention and it was an important one. Much of it was a critique of modern mainstream media, as well as the business of conventions.
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White Paper Justifying Iraq War Written Three Months before
Just when you'd think we've hit bottom, the White House outdoes itself. Doctored Oct. 2002 White Paper was actually written in July 2002 - 3 full months before evidence and conclusions arrived from the intelligence community. A new low in a long line of simply awful behavior.
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Why Goodling's Pass On Counterterrorism Prosecuter is Wrong
Goodling refused to hire “one of the one of the leading terrorism prosecutors in the country” because his wife was a Democrat.
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From BBV: Patriotic Techs - Please apply for voting machine tech temp jobs
Widest possible distribution needed. Please do spread this in blogs, etc:
This post will no doubt produce howls of objection for the vendors that read it. Black Box Voting is encouraging all individuals with a technical background to search and apply for temporary tech ELECTION SUPPORT jobs for the November 2008 election.
Hiring is underway for temporary technicians to help with voting machines this fall. Vendor dependence is undermining the structure of US elections, as described here in the new report by VotersUnite.org:
We want to see You, the People, enter into the vendor mix directly.
In a presidential election year, voting machine vendors will hire and train thousands of technicians staffed around the country. For example, anywhere that Election Systems & Software has a machine, they are under contract to provide an on-site support tech. Hart Intercivic, Premier (Diebold), and Sequoia also use Election Day support technicians.
Temporary election tech support jobs have been spotted on hotjobs.com, rollouts.com, and local tech temp firms like (in 2006) DecisionOne. The tech services firm may be a subcontractor for the big four voting machine companies. Sometimes you'll find the positions advertised by your local county.
Sites like Rollouts.com have you register in their E-tech database. They search for techs based on skill set and area. There isn't much in the way of a skill set needed for the election projects.
Anyone with tech skills interested in safeguarding the November election is encouraged to register at technical recruiting sites and apply for any election-related projects.
CONSIDER ASKING FOR TIME OFF ON YOUR FULL TIME JOB TO DO THIS. This November, there may be no better way to watch the behind-the-scenes process than to be a stagehand, so to speak.
It is not the vendor, and not the government, that has the right to elections information, it is the PUBLIC. Citizens have inalienable rights to sovereignty over the government they created and pay for. These rights cannot be honored without mechanisms to see all information related to elections, and ultimately, to have control processes that honor citizen sovereignty.
That said, it ain't gonna happen this November. Therefore it is entirely appropriate, patriotic, and important, for citizens to apply for temporary positions as voting machine technicians to provide inside public oversight for the process.
There will be nondisclosure agreements, which are not appropriate at all for public elections, but it's a reality now that vendors are trespassing on citizen right to know. There may be issues that arise which the public clearly has a right to know. When that happens, a decision must be made.
We have already been in communications with other patriotic volunteers who have successfully obtained these positions in the past, and are doing this for November.
THERE ARE ALWAYS WAYS TO DEAL WITH IMPORTANT ISSUES IF THEY ENDANGER THE PUBLIC GOOD. You, the People, are needed on the inside of the elections industry this November.
This is a public service bulletin from Black Box Voting.
Black Box Voting Tool Kit 2008 - free download here: http://www.blackboxvoting.org/toolkit2008.pdf
Empower more election watchdog actions:
Black Box Voting
330 SW 43rd St Suite K
PMB 547
Renton WA 98057
This post will no doubt produce howls of objection for the vendors that read it. Black Box Voting is encouraging all individuals with a technical background to search and apply for temporary tech ELECTION SUPPORT jobs for the November 2008 election.
Hiring is underway for temporary technicians to help with voting machines this fall. Vendor dependence is undermining the structure of US elections, as described here in the new report by VotersUnite.org:
We want to see You, the People, enter into the vendor mix directly.
In a presidential election year, voting machine vendors will hire and train thousands of technicians staffed around the country. For example, anywhere that Election Systems & Software has a machine, they are under contract to provide an on-site support tech. Hart Intercivic, Premier (Diebold), and Sequoia also use Election Day support technicians.
Temporary election tech support jobs have been spotted on hotjobs.com, rollouts.com, and local tech temp firms like (in 2006) DecisionOne. The tech services firm may be a subcontractor for the big four voting machine companies. Sometimes you'll find the positions advertised by your local county.
Sites like Rollouts.com have you register in their E-tech database. They search for techs based on skill set and area. There isn't much in the way of a skill set needed for the election projects.
Anyone with tech skills interested in safeguarding the November election is encouraged to register at technical recruiting sites and apply for any election-related projects.
CONSIDER ASKING FOR TIME OFF ON YOUR FULL TIME JOB TO DO THIS. This November, there may be no better way to watch the behind-the-scenes process than to be a stagehand, so to speak.
It is not the vendor, and not the government, that has the right to elections information, it is the PUBLIC. Citizens have inalienable rights to sovereignty over the government they created and pay for. These rights cannot be honored without mechanisms to see all information related to elections, and ultimately, to have control processes that honor citizen sovereignty.
That said, it ain't gonna happen this November. Therefore it is entirely appropriate, patriotic, and important, for citizens to apply for temporary positions as voting machine technicians to provide inside public oversight for the process.
There will be nondisclosure agreements, which are not appropriate at all for public elections, but it's a reality now that vendors are trespassing on citizen right to know. There may be issues that arise which the public clearly has a right to know. When that happens, a decision must be made.
We have already been in communications with other patriotic volunteers who have successfully obtained these positions in the past, and are doing this for November.
THERE ARE ALWAYS WAYS TO DEAL WITH IMPORTANT ISSUES IF THEY ENDANGER THE PUBLIC GOOD. You, the People, are needed on the inside of the elections industry this November.
This is a public service bulletin from Black Box Voting.
Black Box Voting Tool Kit 2008 - free download here: http://www.blackboxvoting.org/toolkit2008.pdf
Empower more election watchdog actions:
Black Box Voting
330 SW 43rd St Suite K
PMB 547
Renton WA 98057
Republicans Love To Steal -- even from their own kind
All I can say is that there is a special place in hell waiting for these people.
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Bush to Relax Protected Species Rules
Parts of the Endangered Species Act may soon be extinct. The Bush administration wants federal agencies to decide for themselves whether highways, dams, mines and other construction projects might harm endangered animals and plants.New regulations would reduce the mandatory, independent reviews government scientists have been performing for 35 years
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A Right and a Duty
"Not only do we have a right to know, we have a duty to know what our Government is doing in our name. If there's a criticism to be made today, it's that the press isn't doing enough to put the pressure on the government to provide information." Walter Cronkite - 3/28/02, PBS |
Tape: 9/11-Iraq forgery ordered on White House stationery
A forged letter linking Saddam Hussein to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks was ordered on White House stationery and probably came from the office of Vice President Dick Cheney, according to a new transcript of a conversation with the Central Intelligence Agency's former Deputy Chief of Clandestine Operations Robert Richer posted Friday evening.
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Obama Opens 6 Point Lead Nationwide
Obama Opens 6 Point Lead Nationwide in AP-Ipsos Poll. A new poll finds Barack Obama is leading John McCain nationally by 6 percentage points thanks to big leads he is enjoying among women, minorities and younger voters.
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Warrantless Wiretapping Arrives in Canada - Media Cansored
In the United States, warrantless wiretapping has effectively become legalized for now. In Canada on the other hand, a wiretap without court approval is virtually unheard of. This is precisely what happened during a protest.
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AIPAC contributions to 2006 candidates
PRO-ISRAEL PAC Contributions to 2006 Congressional Candidates, candidate by candidate.
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Jason Linkins: Rachel Maddow Leads Chorus Of Truth On 'Presu
Lots of commenters last night were asking for clips of Rachel Maddow and Michael Smerconish hailing down a rain of ownage on Pat Buchanan, so why not indulge them?
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What is the real death toll in Iraq?
"We don't do body counts." This blunt response to a question about civilian casualties was an attempt to distance Bush's wars from the disaster of Vietnam. One ritual of that earlier conflict was the daily announcement of how many enemy fighters US forces had killed. It was supposed to convince a skeptical American public that victory was coming.
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MIT: 'Major discovery' primed to unleash solar revolution
In a revolutionary leap that could transform solar power from a marginal, boutique alternative into a mainstream energy source, MIT researchers have overcome a major barrier to large-scale solar power: storing energy for use when the sun doesn't shine.
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