McCain adviser: Palin is ‘a whack job’
***In convo with Playbook, a top McCain adviser one-ups the priceless “diva” description, calling her “a whack job.”
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Is Palin a Christian Nationalist?
Another great column from the Anchorage Daily News, people who know Palin better than most: Extreme Christian Nationalists not only believe that the United States was founded as a Christian nation but that its institutions should be run entirely by fundamentalist or evangelical Christians. They believe they have a mandate to purge our institutions
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Peace Nobelist: Mideast peace failure a disgrace
Nobel Peace Prize winner Martti Ahtisaari said Saturday it is a disgrace that the international community has not managed to resolve the conflict in the Middle East, blaming the failure on a lack of political will.
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Texas clears backlog of executions
A dozen condemned inmates in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice's so-called "death watch" cells are being executed at a scheduled rate of two a week over six weeks.
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What to DO if your Voting Machine Flips Your Vote to Republican
Election integrity expert Emily Levy has some suggestions for every citizen:
Before you Vote, be prepared:
After You Vote
Before you Vote, be prepared:
- Bring a video camera (a cell phone video camera will do) to document the vote-flipping when you vote.
- Video the machine as you vote.
- If it flips, tell officials, and call poll supervisors to observe the problem.
- Alert everyone else in line waiting to vote which machine caused the problem, and warn everyone else not to use it!
- Fill out a problem report
- Refuse to vote on that machine
- Request that the machine be taken out of service
- Get a serial number of the machine if possible (may be unlikely in many cases)
- Tell other voters not to vote on that machine
- Call county/town election office
- Call local reporters
- Call voter problem hotlines (eg. 866-MYVOTE1 and 866-OUR-VOTE)
- Contact bloggers and Election Integrity websites.
- Raise holy hell.
After You Vote
- Upload your video to VideoTheVote.org and YouTube, etc.!
4th State (TX) Reports Vote-Flips! Obama/DNC Still AWOL!
State After State, ES&S iVotronics Are Flipping Democratic Votes to Republican! | What You Can Do About It & Where the Hell Are Those 'Thousands' of Obama/DNC Attorneys?...
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Conscience is a dog that does not stop us from passing but that we cannot prevent from barking. -Nicolas de Chamfort, writer (1741-1794)
Vote-flipping and long lines
Vote-flipping and long lines in early voting, and more from DVN for 10/19/08
From John Gideon:
16 days until Election Day.
Yesterday we reported vote flipping on ES&S iVotronic DREs in Jackson
Co West Virginia. Today we have a report from Putnam Co that votes
are flipping on their iVotronic machines. In every case, in both
articles, the voters are voting for a Democratic candidate and their
votes were being moved to the Republican candidate by the machines.
Already turn-out is proving to be heavier than many jurisdictions
have prepared for. Long lines have been reported in Nevada and New
Mexico, and elsewhere, with voters having to wait for as much as two
hours to vote. Luckily anyone who gave up has the time in the next
two weeks to go vote early. I'm just afraid that Nov. 4 is going to
find long lines at the polls and precincts ill prepared to handle the
number of voters who want to exercise their right to vote.
Featured - WV: Putnam County - More W.Va. voters say machines are
switching votes
In six cases, Democratic votes flipped to GOP
Featured - National: Tide of voters could swamp US electoral system
National: Specter of voter fraud arises in election
National: Black and white beans to voting machines: voting
technologies in America
National: Voters could swamp US electoral system
National: Voting issues play out in court
Fraud suspicion has risen sharply since 2000 race
CA: Breaking: Head Of CA GOP Voter Registration Outfit Arrested For
Registration Fraud
CA: GOP voter registration fraud case leads to arrest
Mark Jacoby, who was arrested in Ontario and owns a firm hired by the
California Republican Party, violated state registration laws,
authorities say.
CO: Voter turnout may top record
County clerks expect 90 percent or higher, thanks to mail-in option
CT: Misstatements In Stamford Advocate
FL: As Election Day nears, eyes will be on state - no one wants replay of 2000
FL: Backers of early voting brace for long lines from logistical snags
FL: Florida voters can ease Election Day chaos
FL: Russ Lemmon: Election machines sit idly by in Indian River? What
a brilliant idea!
FL: Incumbent McFall, challenger Pynchon face off for Volusia County
elections supervisor
IN: Delaware County - Column: New registrations not as many as some predicted
IN: Tippecanoe County - Early vote opens at Purdue Monday
NJ: Elections officials swamped by registrations
NM: Day seven: New Mexico, Land of Lost Votes
Wary of the schemes and SNAFUs of past elections, voters in Santa Fe
throng to take part in early voting.
NM: Anxious voters find long lines, grief
Heavy turnout, some confusion at Santa Fe polling site for early balloting
NV: Record number vote early in Carson City
OH: Glitches fill Ohio voter rolls
Eligibility questions could bring confusion, spur conflicts
PA: Monroe County - Heavy turnout means more lines for Monroe voters
TX: Brazoria County - Heavy early voting turnout expected
**Articles and commentary included in "Daily Voting News" may not all
reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or its allied organizations.
The articles are all included for the information of the subscribers
of "Daily Voting News" though we realize that the subscribers may not
agree with the opinions given in all articles or in the commentary**
McCain and the POW Cover-up
The war hero has long sought to bury information about POWs left behind in Vietnam.
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Watch Now: Naomi Wolf film, THE END OF AMERICA
“My sense of alarm comes from the clear lessons from history that, once certain checks and balances are destroyed, and once certain institutions have been intimidated, the pressures that can turn an open society into a closed one turn into direct assaults; at that point events tend to occur very rapidly, and a point comes at which there is no easy turning back to the way it used to be.”
Gov. Palin’s Worldview
If John McCain seriously thought Gov. Sarah Palin was qualified to be president, it raises profound questions about his judgment.
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NC Early Voters Heckled by McCain Supporters, Tires Slashed
THIS IS VOTER SUPPRESSION: NC Early Voters Heckled by McCain Supporters, Tires Slashed "Early voters in North Carolina, most of whom were black, were heckled and mocked by McCain supporters as they their cast their ballots Sunday."
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URGENT: Police Deny Veterans Their Rights
Unbelieveable. Of all the people to lose their rights, I would never have believed this to happen to veterans. You would think that the police would accord VETERANS their Miranda rights. Is this what they fought for?
Honorable soldiers, weary, returning home from war, will now have to fight to get their country back from the corporatists that have seized power over our own beloved country. Once proud, once free, once again, please fight for Me.
Lady Liberty
Device Would Allow Conversation with Plants
"The voice services thus acts as a voice dialog proxy for the plant and gives the impression to the person... that they are conversing with the plant."
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Obama camp to Justice: Probe GOP 'sham anti-fraud campaign'
The current spate of trumped-up allegations of "voter fraud" coming from John McCain's campaign and his Republican allies and the FBI's decision to investigate represents exactly the same sort of politicization of justice that is at the root of an ongoing investigation into the firing of federal prosecutors, Barack Obama's campaign alleges.
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Obama camp to Justice: Probe GOP 'sham anti-fraud campaign'
The current spate of trumped-up allegations of "voter fraud" coming from John McCain's campaign and his Republican allies and the FBI's decision to investigate represents exactly the same sort of politicization of justice that is at the root of an ongoing investigation into the firing of federal prosecutors, Barack Obama's campaign alleges.
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McCain Uses Same Robocall Firm That Helped Smear Him in 2000
In his efforts to attack Barack Obama, John McCain appears to have turned to the same political consulting firm that was responsible for spreading vicious smears about the Senator during the 2000 South Carolina GOP primary. At the time, McCain railed against the practice of robocalls, calling them "hate calls" .
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Math mistake sees hundreds of teachers laid off
The Dallas, Texas, school district laid off hundreds of teachers Thursday to avoid a projected $84 million deficit.
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Math mistake sees hundreds of teachers laid off
The Dallas, Texas, school district laid off hundreds of teachers Thursday to avoid a projected $84 million deficit.
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Now It Starts: Reporter Assaulted at Palin Rally
SNL mocked "crazy McCain-Palin rally lady" last night, but it's a slippery slope, and we're starting to slide to the next level. A reporter notes that a thug at a Palin rally kicked his leg out from under him because he was trying to interview the wrong people (Obama supporters who'd been kicked out of the rally). What's next?
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Powerful Research Tool
Check out this search engine--it is so much more than a search engine. Enter a famous person's name (politician, author, CEO) and it shows relationships to other people, businesses, places, or things.
Enter a business name and you can find if it has a relationship with, say Russia. I found Schlumberger by way of Halliburton and noticed recent commentary by investment gurus about the company(1 hour ago) .
The more I examined the information, the clearer it became that this is a powerful way to harness information on the web.
Enter a business name and you can find if it has a relationship with, say Russia. I found Schlumberger by way of Halliburton and noticed recent commentary by investment gurus about the company(1 hour ago) .
The more I examined the information, the clearer it became that this is a powerful way to harness information on the web.
Sarah Palin Speaking in Maine Today
"They look to the past because that is where you find blame." and ". . .they'd rather to run against the current administration."
Those who refuse to review the past are doomed to repeat it, dear.
McCain voted for virtually every Bush-backed piece of legislation that really mattered. Take this granting of unprecedented surveillance powers to the government--this is a repulsive policy that Obama is likely to end, or at least tame it, but that McCain is likely to enhance under the guise of protecting the American people.
NSA whistleblowers have come forward to expose how these powers have been abused: for example it has resulted in listening in on private phone conversations between military personnel and their spouses, and passing around transcripts of the most salacious amongst themselves . . .
Those who refuse to review the past are doomed to repeat it, dear.
McCain voted for virtually every Bush-backed piece of legislation that really mattered. Take this granting of unprecedented surveillance powers to the government--this is a repulsive policy that Obama is likely to end, or at least tame it, but that McCain is likely to enhance under the guise of protecting the American people.
NSA whistleblowers have come forward to expose how these powers have been abused: for example it has resulted in listening in on private phone conversations between military personnel and their spouses, and passing around transcripts of the most salacious amongst themselves . . .
Barack 'Osama' on Ballots Sent to Voters in NY!
In an upstate New York county, hundreds of voters have been sent absentee ballots in which they could vote for "Barack OSAMA"
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2008: The Difficulty Stealing it this Time
There's one major obstacle blocking a theft of the 2008 presidential election. It's highly significant and challenges even the most devious minds. That obstacle is "net new" Democratic primary voters in 2008. "Net new" Democratic primary voters represent the difference between primary turnout in 2004 and 2008.
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Report: NSA ‘Routinely’ Listened In On Americans' Phone Call
Ever since President Bush confirmed the existence of a National Security Administration wiretapping program in late 2005, he has insisted it is aimed only at terrorists’ calls and protects Americans’ civil liberties
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LA Observed: Obama threat, white powder sent to LAT
I'm told the Los Angeles Times mailroom opened a hand-scrawled letter today that read "death to Obama" and contained a white powder that triggered a call to the FBI and a city hazardous materials team... The nut mail was said to carry an upside-down stamp and language about saving babies in addition to the Barack Obama threat.
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Recount 2000 - A look back
The movie Recount is playing in the room as I work on this Installation Guide. I should really turn it off because it is intense (for me). Watching it also roused my curiosity and I decided to check out the result of the unofficial recount that was conducted later to see who would have won, if every vote had been counted. This is what Wikipedia says:
In the aftermath of the election, the first independent recount was conducted by The Miami Herald and USA Today. Counting only "undervotes" (when the vote is not detected by machine), and not considering "overvotes" (when a ballot ends up with more than one indication of a vote, for example both a punch-out and hand-written name, even if both indicating the same candidate) Bush would have won in all legally requested recount scenarios.
If overvotes where the intent of the voter was clear were counted, using any consistent standard for 'clear intent of the voter', Gore would have won.
Sarah Palin as VP RIP- Old School is not Maverick
Ten Repulicans and 4 Democrats unanimously agreed she abused her power for personal feud.
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The Woman Who Nearly Stopped The War
Five years ago, Katharine Gun, a translator at GCHQ, learned something so outrageous that she sacrificed her career to tell the truth. Martin Bright on a brave deed that should not be forgotten.
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So Who Is Mike Connell? A Clip from 'Free For All' Gives You
The following clip (appx 6:45 mins) from the new documentary film, FREE FOR ALL! (downloadable in full, free for all at www.freeforall.tv) by filmmaker John Ennis, gives us a small taste of who Connell is, and how he fits into the big picture.
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McCain's attacks fuel dangerous hatred
"If your campaign does not stop equating Sen. Barack Obama with terrorism, questioning his patriotism and portraying Mr. Obama as "not one of us," I accuse you of deliberately feeding the most unhinged elements of our society the red meat of hate, and therefore of potentially instigating violence."
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Tens of thousands illegally blocked from voter registration
Tens of thousands of voters in at least six battleground states have been removed from election rolls or have been illegally blocked from registering to vote, according to an investigation ...
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The State Department is Dying
After Destroying the Justice Department and Drowning FEMA with incompetence, the State Department is the latest casualty of the Bush White House and cowboy diplomacy.
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Congress was Scared of Martial Law, US Troops Deployed in US
Naomi Wolf discusses disturbing trends that may signal Bush may launch a coup d'etat - Gives her plan for resistant struggle in new book. The 1st Brigade has been officially deployed in USA- 4000 troops.
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Whistle blowers Confirm NSA Listening on Innocent American
Despite Bush et. al. assuring it was only terrorists, NSA routinely listened to pillow talk and chit chat of ordinary Americans.
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Palin report may be made public
Record for Troopergate likely to be made public. Will she have to step down the ticket?
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ACLU Challenges Unconstitutional Spying Law
For years, the Bush administration illegally intercepted the emails and phone calls of millions of Americans. Rather than rein in this abuse of power, lawmakers on Capitol Hill caved in to the administration and gave the National Security Agency (NSA) even more expansive powers ...
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MCain Tied To Ultra Right Wing Group with Nazi Collaborators
GOP presidential nominee John McCain has past connections to a private group that supplied aid to guerrillas seeking to overthrow the leftist government of Nicaragua in the Iran-Contra affa
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What I Learned at the Palin Rally Before They Threw Me Out
20,000 Christian zealots, anti-abortion fanatics, and mostly white suburbanites reconnected with their high school past at the Palin rally.
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1,134,427 Voters Purged in Indiana!
"In April 2008 when Indiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita announced the release of "record high" voter registration rolls, with 4.3 million voters set to vote in the Tuesday May 6 primary, he didn't mention that a whopping 1,134,427 voter registrations have been cancelled..."
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1,134,427 Voters Purged in Indiana!
"In April 2008 when Indiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita announced the release of "record high" voter registration rolls, with 4.3 million voters set to vote in the Tuesday May 6 primary, he didn't mention that a whopping 1,134,427 voter registrations have been cancelled..."
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Ohio Election Stolen Again? State May Face 600K Voter Purge
Voting rights attorneys say hundreds of thousands of voters could be purged from voter rolls. Nearly 600,000 eligible voters could be placed on a caging list and challenged on Election Day, which could then result in their removal from the voter rolls without due process, in accordance with Ohio law.
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Report sees risk of 'partisan manipulation' in voter purges
It is normal for states to periodically review lists of voters and remove any who have moved, died, or been convicted of felonies. However, with no national standards to control this process, it has become "chaotic," "riddled with inaccuracies," and "vulnerable to manipulation" for partisan purposes, says a new report cited by CBS News.
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Voter Purging: Legal Way for Republicans to Swing Elections
Now the Department of Justice, like the Republican Party, wants fewer registered voters in 2008. In 2004 they purged 24% of the registered voters in Cleveland. There are new purge programs all over the country right now.
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Republicans crossed line with voter purge attempt: MONTANA
Montana's (R) Lieutenant Governor: The director of the Republican Party issued a blanket challenge to validly registered voters based on false criteria, trying to persuade election clerks that a mere change of mailing address is grounds for automatic cancellation of voter registration.
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CBS: Report shows GOP illegally purging voters in 19 states
Brad Friedman comments, "So CBS News has noticed. Where the hell are the Democrats, and why aren't they raising holy hell about all of this stuff everywhere & seem to have no clue that they are in a War on Democracy being waged by their GOP opponents."
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