
Help Americans get the truth -- our media 'protects' us from the truth

Americans who pay attention (33%, tops) know that Bush is a failed businessman who shouldn't be put in charge of anything, much less a nuclear-armed country. Many of the people who propped him up probably chose him because he has a famous family name. These people are Nixon-era Republicans (do you remember America's previous "dark age"?) The people who surround Bush in his cabinet are ideologues and/or cronies. The ideologues don't even represent mainstream Republicans, much less all of America.

As seen during the last big corruption scandal, our system works , but it is SOOOOO slow, painfully slow.

I believe that we in America can reverse some of the damage done to our country as long as there is a free press and fair and transparent elections. Both are endangered under this administration.

(We call Fox News "Faux News" )

If you want citizens of the US to vote better, vote smarter, do what you can to help the US media get the real stories--the truth!--not just what the Bush administration wants us to know. It should disturb every American to know that the US media chooses not to report some stories, not because there is doubt about the facts, but rather, that they believe Americans can't handle the truth. (I suspect they know that we would not agree with the choices they are making if we had all of the information.) Who is it that asked how much the American people know about what is going on--was it Al Gore? The answer was 1%.

Ignorance is not bliss. People who are not paying attention (presumably they know 0% of what is going on) may be fat, dumb, and happy, but the rest of us are profoundly disturbed by what we observe. Our foreign policy seems to be driven by big oil--we still don't know about the discussions that took place in the energy task force with Cheney and Ken Lay early in the Bush administration.

And to the paternal media I say: You underestimate us. We can handle it. We are adults, not children who need to be protected.

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