Just wondering what your thoughts are about the passage of the extension of warrantless surveillance, voted on by both Repubs and Dems.
I feel betrayed. Oh sure, I know why they did it. Repubs and the administration told 'em that a terrorist strike is coming and the Dems figured if they voted against it, we'd all scream at them, and they'd lose their seats.
Take a DEEEEEEP Cleansing Breath. Meditate.
I have to remind myself:
We, you and I, have the power to end This American Nightmare--if we remember
and acknowledge that we have the power to do so. And we must act on it.
They are afraid of *us*--we, the people of the United States. Americans.
Bush and Cheney call the Constitution irrelevant!?
I have no religion to speak of. It has no name; it does not have an institution-- no brick-and-mortar storefront, no teaming masses willing to tithe 20% to God's front-man: that preacher in his Caddy.
Did you notice that the first two goals were Justice and Peace (Tranquility--what is more peaceful than Tranquility?) JUSTICE FIRST!We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
To paraphrase Michael Moore, "Dude, where is that 'more perfect union' ?? "
It took us over 200 years to build, improve and nurture, but just a few years for it to disappear. I would never have guessed that our democratic condition was ephemeral.
With great sadness, I bid you adieu.
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