
The Republican Noise Machine's Rumor

They are trying so hard to promote a rumor that has been circulating for about 6 months now, that Obama has something to hide on his birth certificate.

Reason Magazine took a look at it here: Read About It

Snopes has also taken a look at it: Read the Snopes Analysis

Analyst: Senate may decide Minn. election

ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 29 (UPI) -- A statement by US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., makes it more likely the Senate could intervene in a . . .

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Minnesota Recount Frequently Asked Questions

Recount Frequently Asked Questions by the Star Tribune

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White House Lobbies Against Fed Global Warming Regulations

The Bush White House continues to subvert the rule of law and impede action on global warming. To avoid action on global warming despite a direct order from the Supreme Court, Bush’s people have brazenly flouted their Constitutional obligation to faithfully execute the law, ignoring science, ignoring Congressional subpoenas, even ignoring the EPA.

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Franken-Coleman Recount, 11/27/08: MSM Gets It Wrong Again

TThe MSM would have you believe that the Board's decision on the rejected absentee ballots is that it was A Serious, Perhaps Fatal Blow To Franken's Campaign. But, if you watched the coverage of the board meeting over at The UpTake, Minnesota's groundbreaking citizen-journalism video site, you saw something completely different.

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NASA scientist cites 'global-warming emergency'

NASA physicist says public awareness lags about the 'hundreds of millions' of people worldwide will sufffer from lack of water, rising seas. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is already at 385 parts per million, well over the 350 parts per million, or less, that is considered "safe," Hansen said. And more warming is already in the pipeline because of iner

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Howard Dean for Education Secretary

But no one can dispute that Howard Dean was right about the 50 state strategy, and this undoubtedly helped Barack Obama and a lot of Democratic congressmen and senators get elected. He's also been exactly right on the policy issues. Shouldn't the Obama administration reward competence?

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Al-Zawahiri Has a New Rant

He got one thing right: The American economy is corrupt and usurious.
Here is the summary of his new commentary that I read. By the way, to save you some trouble: he makes no mention of the Mumbai attacks.
Pres.-elect Obama, this is the guy that needs to get gotten, more so than bin Laden.

DA reveals evidence against Cheney, says 'don't let it die'

Willacy County District Attorney Juan Angel Guerra spoke to two Texas television stations Wednesday night regarding his investigation of injustice within the prison systems which led to the indictment by a Texas grand jury of Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, along with other officials.

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Minnesota Recount Likely to End Up in Court, Regardless of Winner

This analysis comes from a post on Digg by ThoughtLover (love the name):
After browsing around trying to figure this out, it appears that Minnesota state law does not allow rejected absentee ballots to be included in a recount, of which there are estimated to be about 6-12k. Many estimations expect Franken to gain votes in the 3000+ contested ballots (currently Coleman has ~100 more contentions). Even with Franken's expected gains, generally people seem to think Franken will lose the recount by about 50 votes. At this point, everything is within the margin of error.

As Minnesota's Canvassing Board doesn't feel they have the authority to make a ruling, this will go to the courts, no matter who wins the recount, to see if the rejected absentee votes can be counted. According to arguments made before Minnesota's Canvassing Board, according to an article in the Wall Stree Journal by John Fund...

Read the WSJ article here
... the court case will likely revolve around:
1) A Minnesota law requiring "complete voting activity be reported."
- Sounds weak to me. Ballots that are legally disqualified and legally denied recount could be reported as "discarded".
2) Equal Protection argument from Bush v Gore (I'm no expert on this ruling)
- This infamous Supreme Court ruling that decided that the different standards of counting ballots across Florida violated the equal protection clause. Similarly, Minnesota's rejected absentee ballots (vs other rejected ballots) are being treated differently. However, similar cases since Bush v Gore have failed because of Bush v Gore's controversial “limited to the present circumstances” ruling that has limited it as being a precedent.
3) Washington State's disputed 2004 governor's race
- A controversial ruling which released names and led to a scramble to obtain written oaths from people declaring how they had intended to vote. The Democrats won because they started their efforts sooner.

All very confusing... my brain hurts.


Howard Dean for Education Secretary

I love this idea! But no one can dispute that Howard Dean was right about the 50 state strategy, and this undoubtedly helped Barack Obama and a lot of Democratic congressmen and senators get elected. He's also been exactly right on the policy issues. Shouldn't the Obama administration reward competence?

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Canvassing Board rules against Franken in MN Senate recount

Minnesota's Canvassing Board voted unanimously Wednesday to reject a request from Democrat Al Franken to count thousands of rejected absentee ballots in the recount of votes in his Senate race against Republican Sen. Norm Coleman.

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Minnesota Recount Updates Nov 25

From RawStory: Franken Finds 6,400 Uncounted Absentee Ballots
With the recount in the razor-thin Minnesota U.S. Senate race continuing into its second week, Democratic candidate Al Franken's campaign says it has uncovered 6,400 rejected absentee ballots and will ask a state board to count at least some of those votes.

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From CQ: Norm Coleman Gains Votes in Today's Recount
But with about a fifth of the total votes still to be re-tallied after six days of hand-counting — and each side poised to challenge close to 2,000 ballots when the state canvassing board reconvenes in mid-December — a decision in the year’s closest Senate contest still is likely weeks away.

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Richard Clark for Head of CIA

This article lays out the case for making Richard CLark the head of the CIA.



Nate Silver Is Predicting a Franken Win

Not buying the prediction, but hoping for it anyway. From the article on fivethirtyeight.com:

"An analysis of precinct-by-precinct returns available on the Secretary of State's website, however, suggests that Franken's position is somewhat stronger than it appears, and that he may in fact be the favorite to prevail in the recount process."

Here's the whole story.


Challenged Ballots in Minnesota Recount

This site shows a few of the challenged ballots and lets you vote on who gets the vote for each example.

It is worth your time. Check it out.

Mike Connell: Key Player in White House Email Funny Business

An interesting article about Mike Connell, Bush/Rove's "IT" guy (technology adviser).

Connell met with cyber security expert Stephen Spoonamore:
"to learn how to destroy data on White House computer hard drives. This was during the height of the United States Attorney scandal and during the tenure of Connell's former employee, David Almacy, as director of the White House Internet and E-Communications Director."


Two Whistleblowers Say 2002 Senate Race Was Rigged

Diebold Vote Company Whistleblower and GOP Cyber Security Expert Both Say That 2002 Chambliss Senate Race Was Rigged

Reported by Velvet Revolution:

A former Diebold vote machine contractor who was in charge of preparing the 2002 election between Saxby Chambliss and Max Cleland has stated that the software patches placed on the voting machines in the weeks prior to the election could have rigged the election in favor of Republican Chambliss.
Read all about it

Watch the interview with the Diebold whistleblower:

Watch the cyber sleuth interview:

Video: Humorous Take on the Minnesota Recount

Minnesota Recount: Friday Nov 21st

Recount details: Friday's results


UPDATED: Hearing on Cheney indictment turns chaotic

RAYMONDVILLE, Texas (AP) — A county prosecutor who brought indictments against Vice President Dick Cheney, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and others pounded his fist and shouted at the judge Friday about special treatment for high-profile defendants as a routine motions hearing descended into chaos.

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For People Who Want to Follow the Recount Moment to Moment

Recount Blog

Franken Gains on Coleman in 2nd Day of Recount

Vote margin shrinks to 129, but it's not all good news. The number of challenged ballots is mounting.

Read Brad Friedman's report

Go to Minnesota's Recount Page


Cheney, Gonzales, Indicted

The first of many times that Cheney and friends will be indicted.

"Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales have been named in a South Texas grand jury indictment on charges related to the alleged abuse of prisoners being detained in Willacy County federal detention centers, The Associated Press said."

It's been a weird month. This kind of weird, I can handle.


Alaska recount update: Saturday 11/15

The Alaskan U.S. Senate recount trend favors Begich, who is now ahead by 1022. The state will count about 40 percent of remaining ballots today and the rest early next week.



Mike Malloy - I Will Never Forgive--MUST HEAR

Mike Malloy lays the case out for why the American People should never forgive the Republicans for what they have done to America. Check out www.novamradio.com! This is a MUST HEAR for every American.

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Blackwater likely to be fined millions in Iraq weapons case

Charged with illicit arms trafficking with some of the weapons are believed to have ended up on the country's black market, but no criminal charges have been filed in the case.No charges, no arrests, no contracts canceled and any fines will be added to the next contract amount, no doubt. War is a racket!

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Dem Pulls Ahead in Alaska Senate Race by 814

Begich, who was losing after election night, now leads Stevens by 814 votes -- 132,196 to 131,382 -- with the state still to count roughly 40,000 more ballots over the next week.

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Mark Begich just took the lead in Alaska's senatorial race this evening announced the Alaska Division of Elections

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How to tell if your position on something is wrong

Of course this doesn't apply to the users of Digg.

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Simple Device Invented in 1833 May Lead to Cheap Hydrogen

A modern team of Italian researchers has uncovered a device invented by fellow Italian G.D. Botto in 1833 that can be used to generate hydrogen with inexpensive, everyday parts. By reflecting sunlight from two parabolic mirrors onto a hollow tube wrapped in metal and filled with water, the device generates enough electricity to produce hydrogen

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Barack Obama: His policies

The Obama in-tray will be full to bursting when he settles down in the Oval Office. But where does he stand on the major issues facing America?

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Palin Blamed for Death Threats Against Obama

Sarah Palin's rhetoric produced a spike in death threats to the Obama family.

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They Call it Obama Backlash

I call it KKK.

R Reich: The Mini Depression and the Maximum-Strength Remedy

Robert Reich on shoring up the demand side of the economy. Government spending is the key, because none of the other components of demand - Consumers, Investments and Exports - can do the job right now.

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Bushies’ Final Crime Spree Targets Our Public Lands!

In their final weeks of misrule, the loyal corporate servants who are the Bushies' Federal appointees are using our Federal govenment to shovel our national wealth over to their private masters. While the Fed and Treasury Bushies get most of the attention, other Bushies beaver away to deliver two great prizes: Federal regulations & Federal lands."

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 From Mark Crispin Miller's "News From Underground"

"...In Alaska, more people voted for George W. Bush in 2004 than for Sarah Palin on Tuesday despite an identical 61-36 margin of victory. Yes. Only four years ago 54,304 Alaskans got off their sofas and voted for Bush, but decided to sit home and not vote for Palin in 2008. In turn, I have to ignore the 30,520 Alaskans who felt progressive enough in 2004 to vote for John Kerry, but weren't inspired to vote for Barack Obama. I would have to glance past the 1,700% increase in the Democratic caucus in February, the 20,991 newly registered voters, and the three largest political rallies in Alaska's history. I would also have to forget the people I stood in a long line with to early vote. It would be helpful not to know every other presidential election since Alaska began keeping records has had a larger turn out than the one we just had with our own Governor on the ticket. Try not to remember 12.4% more Alaskans showed up for the August primary as compared to four years ago, before the Palin nomination. Don't think about the Lower 49's record voter turn out this year either. Try to delete the memory file, though difficult, that 80% of us approved of Sarah Palin just two months ago.

...In the balance hangs the fate of Alaska's Senate and House seats. We still don't know if we have elected the now convicted felon Ted Stevens, or Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich. We still don't know if Don Young and his million dollar legal problems will defeat former State Representative Ethan Berkowitz and his dreams of Washington DC. Alaska hasn't had Democrat representation in Congress since Mike Gravel lost his senate seat in 1980.

Four years ago,
313,592 out of 474,740 registered voters in Alaska participated in the election-a 66% turnout. Taking into account 49,000 outstanding ballots, on Tuesday 272,633 out of 495,731 registered Alaskans showed up at the polls; a turnout of 54.9%. That's a decrease of more than 11% in voter turnout even though passions ran high for and against Barack Obama, as well as for and against Sarah Palin! This year, early voters set a new record. As of last Thursday, with 4 days left to vote early, 15,000 Alaskans showed up-shattering the old record set in 2004 by 28%! Consider the most popular governor in history-and now the most polarizing-was on the Republican ticket. Consider the historic nature of this race; the first African American presidential candidate EVER! The second woman to ever make a presidential ticket; and she's one of our own. Despite that, we're supposed to believe that overall participation DECREASED by 11%. Not only that, but this historic election both nationally and for Alaska HAD THE LOWEST ALASKA TURNOUT FOR A PRESIDENTIAL RACE EVER!!!

Are we to believe Don Young came from an 8 point average polling deficit to win by 8 points-a whopping 16 point turnaround??? Remember how historic the pundits thought Hillary Clinton's come from behind New Hampshire
Primary victory was? She trailed Barack Obama by 9% in the pre primary polls and ended up winning by 2 points. It was called the most "stunning comeback in political history." On Election Night, Don Young topped Hillary Clinton's startling and unprecedented comeback.

Furthermore, there were nearly three thousand Alaskans, (2,783) that voted yet left the hotly contested congressional race blank. In the highly publicized senate race, complete with a nationally covered trial that ended with seven felony convictions for the incumbent, 1,392 Alaskans submitted a ballot and failed to register a vote in the senate race. I'm not sure statistically what that means, but it strikes me as odd that well over a thousand Alaskans would wait in long lines and not cast a vote in either the senate race or the congressional race-especially since there was only one ballot measure. In addition, this particular election had an extra high degree of local interest with Governor Palin on the national stage.

You received this message because you are subscribed to Mark Crispin Miller's "News From Underground" newsgroup.


Most Minn. Senate 'undervotes' are from Obama turf

By BRIAN BAKST – Associated Press
21 hours ago

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — An Associated Press analysis of votes in the tight, still-to-be decided race for a U.S. Senate seat in Minnesota shows that most ballots lacking a recorded choice in the election were cast in counties won by Democrat Barack Obama.

The finding could have implications for Republican Sen. Norm Coleman and Democrat Al Franken, who are headed for a recount separated by the thinnest of margins — a couple of hundred votes, or about 0.01 percent.

About 25,000 ballots statewide carried votes for president but not for the Senate race. Although some voters might have intentionally bypassed the race, others might have mismarked their ballot, or optical scanning machines might have misread them.

A recount due to begin Nov. 19 will use manual inspection to detect such ballots.

Meanwhile, Coleman is using the state's open records law to ask Minnesota and all 87 counties for access to voting data and other records, questioning gains Franken has made since Election Day.

Coleman campaign manager Cullen Sheehan complained of "statistically dubious and improbable shifts that are overwhelmingly accruing to the benefit of Al Franken."

The Coleman campaign cited a 100-vote gain that Franken picked up from Mountain Iron, in St. Louis County, on Thursday night.

The rest of the story

Coleman Fails in Attempt to Block Counting of Absentee Votes

Coleman Tried to Block Some Votes from Senate Race Recount
Sen. Norm Coleman has failed in an attempt to block some absentee ballots from being counted in his close race with Democrat Al Franken. Franken was at last count trailing by about 220 votes.

An Associated Press analysis of votes in the tight, still-to-be decided race for a U.S. Senate seat in Minnesota shows that most ballots lacking a recorded choice in the election were cast in counties won by Democrat Barack Obama.

The recount is scheduled to begin on Nov 19.

Palin's Dog?

Pakistan Declares Death Penalty for 'Cyber Terror'

Oh NO. American officials can have some pretty over-the-top reactions to hackers and so-called cyber terrorists, but the death penalty? C'mon, Pakistan.

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Vote Counting Funny Business in Texas?

I wanted to know the final percentages in Dallas County for the presidential election so that I could brag that Dallas went blue, only to notice some funny business in Ft Worth's total.


Steve Sack

Al Franken's Razor-Thin MN Senate Race Counted on Flawed Opt

UPDATE: A typo brings the race closer. The race is only 221 votes apart, triggering an automatic recount.

PLUS: Details on 'What in the Hell Happened in Alaska' and Georgia and Oregon...

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Fired Up? Ready to GO!!

Obama: "Fired Up? Ready to Go!": Great video from last night. http://tinyurl.com/57xpjb Thanks for Tweeting it, Americablog!


Mercenary Firm Offers to 'Detain Troublemakers' on Election

CIA-linked private military contractor Evergreen Defense & Security Services offered to post sentries at Oregon polling stations on election day, "detaining troublemakers" and making sure voters "do not get out of control."

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New Footage of WTC7 and WTC1 Collapses

This footage was posted November 1, 2008 by "GldBr," a user who signed up the same day the new footage was posted and has no other videos on the account. The videos contain no soundtrack but show clear views of both the WTC1 and WTC7 collapses, apparently from the roof of a nearby building. It is unclear at this time who shot the footage or why it is just making its first appearance on the Internet at this time.

The new footage of the WTC7 collapse starts with an extreme close-up and zooms out just before the collapse: the photographer knows the collapses are imminent.

The image zooms out to show the pyroclastic flows of dust from the demolition engulfing the streets below. Just as the building begins to collapse, a series of explosions can be seen shattering a line of windows along the side of the building on the right side of the frame, consistent with blast squibs.

The unreleased footage of the North Tower collapse starts with an extreme close-up of the building showing a squib well below the area of collapse before jump-cutting to a zoomed-out view of the building as the collapse is already taking place. It is not evident whether these two shots are from the same camera or why they were edited together in this way. The collapse footage shows red-hot areas within the still standing "spire" of core columns not toppled in the collapse and then pans down for a moment. When the camera pans back up, the spire is gone.

The Top 5 Reasons To Vote In Texas Or: Why It Still Means A Thing Even If It Ain't Got That Swing

Big margin = big mandate. The popular vote doesn't put anyone in the White House, but it affects what presidents can do when they get there. Want Obama to be able to actually do the stuff he's been talking about? Pass universal health care? End the war? Then we need a landslide.

The other things on the ballot matter! For example: Congress. Without more support in the House and Senate, Obama will have a hard time getting progressive laws passed. Plus, there are other important local races and ballot questions in some places.

If you don't vote, everyone can find out. Voting records are public. (Not who you voted for, just whether you voted.) Pretty soon, finding out whether you voted could be as easy as Googling you.

Help make history. You could cast one of the votes that elect the first African-American president. If we win, we'll tell our grandchildren about this election, and they'll tell their grandchildren. Do you really want to have to explain to your great-great-grandchildren that you were just too busy to vote in the most important election in your lifetime?

People died so you'd have the right to vote. Self-government—voting to choose our own leaders—is the original American dream. We are heir to a centuries-long struggle for freedom: the American revolution, and the battles to extend the franchise to those without property, to women, to people of color, and to young people. This year, many will still be denied their right to vote. For those of us who have that right, it's precious. If we waste it, we dishonor those who fought for it and those who fight still.

Live your values. Love your country. Vote.

Click here for information about where to vote, what to bring, and when polls close:


McCain Site HACKED!

Breakthrough on Solar Power!

Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have discovered and demonstrated a new method for overcoming two major hurdles facing solar energy.



ALERT: "The Count" starts in 2 days: Instructions for Protect the Count

BBV ALERT: "The Count" starts in 2 days: Instructions for Protect the Count

Black Box Voting was asked by YouTube to prepare an easy to follow public education program for Protecting the Count on ELECTION NIGHT and the days that follow. We collaborated with Videothevote.org and Election Defense Alliance. YouTube has created a Channel called Video Your Vote. The Black Box Voting Protect the Count series contains important information and several video clips never before made public.

Please distribute immediately and as widely as you can. EASY INSTRUCTIONS: View the videos that best fit your location.

1. Protect the Count - most locations in America(4 min)
Takes 90 minutes on Election Night. You can even go out after polls have closed. Please also view video # 3, because it shows what to look for to identify tampered poll tapes and the kinds of small errors on tapes that can appear with memory card tampering. Upload any video you take to http://www.videothevote.org/ - Post link or comments for what you found in the state and jurisdiction at http://www.blackboxvoting.org/

2. Protect the Count - Absentee / Central Count (8 min)
(Applies to 13 states with CENTRALLY COUNTED ballots and/or HEAVY ABSENTEE VOTING)
These are the most challenging Protect the Count locations.

3. Protect the Count - New England / New Hampshire(5 min)
If you live anywhere in New England and can drive to any voting machine location in New Hampshire to observe and video poll closing, please do so. If you live anywhere in America that has polling place results tapes, please look at this video to see what tampered tapes look like.
Contact Protect the Count - New Hampshire organizers at protectthevote@gmail.com
You can view the list for which New Hampshire locations use voting machines here:

4. Protect the Count - New York (9 min)
New Yorkers are probably in the best shape for Election 2008, but not for long. This shows the details of how the counting of the lever machines proceeds after polls close, and gives you the details of the fight New Yorkers will have on your hands in 2009.

I'm counting on you to be as proactive as possible to fight for your voting rights. The actions in the Protect the Count series are self-serve, simple to do, and designed for just grabbing a neighbor or a buddy and taking action. Don't worry about blanketing every area or organizing the whole state. Just pick a place and DO it. I guarantee it will be a fascinating and important experience, and could provide THE crucial evidence in the very undesirable event that the election turns out not to be fair.

Bev Harris
Founder - Black Box Voting

* * * * *

If you would like to receive these alerts, you can register here: http://www.bbvforums.org/cgi-bin/forums/board-profile.cgi?action=register

You can ask questions by posting them in your state and jurisdiction's area at BlackBoxVoting.org, or by e-mail: crew@blackboxvoting.org

* * * * *

Needed NOW:
Donations - http://www.blackboxvoting.org/donate.html
Black Box Voting
330 SW 43rd St Suite K
PMB 547
Renton WA 98057

Election Protection Wiki


Take This to the Polls: Incident Report

If you don't need it, someone else might.


When you go to the polls, take an incident report with you. Collecting signed, dated, paper-based evidence of voter fraud, suppression, or inefficiency is the most important action any concerned citizen can take in this "once-in-a-century election."
This is the simplest measure any voter can take:
-Stand at their own polls, watch what happens,
-report evidence on the (downloadable) Incident Report, and then
-fax it in to the Election Defense Alliance.
The Incident Report comes with the EDA's fax number, legal help phone numbers and guidelinesfor poll monitors.
The Indient Report will be used widely in Los Angeles--the largest voting county in thenation--by Work the Vote LA org.
One more thing: If election results go bump late in the night, it may be less of a shock ifpeople are educated in advance.
Votes are being flipped in West VA, Texas and Tennessee. Here's a timely video.
Wake Up and Save Your Country has just released Part Two of the "Turdblossom Lecture Series" to explain HOW voting machines can be preprogrammed to crash or change vote totals using proprietary software.

Please take a look, and share this with your friends and family.


If you watch only one thing online today, make it this one!

In an interview with Keith Olbermann, John Cleese reads a poem he wrote about Bill O'reilly. It is priceless!

It is also funny to see how tickled Cleese gets upon watching a clip of McCain making a funny gaffe.


Campaign song for Obama or McCain. | 12seconds.tv

12sseconds TV is having a contest for the best 12-second campaign song for Obama or McCain. I listened to a few, and liked this one the best.

12challenge: Sing a campaign song for Obama or McCain. on 12seconds.tv

John Cornyn Is a Bush Bum: Throw Him OUT!

Republican Senator John Cornyn has a LONG record of siding with the big corporations instead of the People, especially when people have been wronged, or when the people need more information to make judgements about the safety of their food.

He is "big bad John" alright. He takes money from the big guys at the expense of our safety.

Consumers Eat Blind While Cornyn Feasts on Campaign Cash

This report details the behind-the-scenes action, with its huge lobbying campaign, aimed at ensuring passage of one of the most significant bills in Congress – legislation that promises to help victims but ends up being more of a special interest bailout.

Goldman Sachs provided a report to the congressional committee looking into asbestos damage and compensation. A Senate Judiciary Committee staffer declined a Public Citizen request to provide a copy of Goldman Sachs’ financial analysis. Why?


Legislation on Poverty

On key legislation that would ""lift all boats," Cornyn earned a grade of D. If I had an employee who scored so low, I would let him go. View the report and the legislation that he voted against here:


Halloween Prank or Hate Crime?

This is what was done Halloween night to the Obama sign in an Indiana front yard. So what do you think? Halloween prank or hate crime?

How about both. Story at the link.


Cheney Endorses McCain
