- 185 Republicans voted to force a debate on the impeachment of Dick Cheney
- Democrats voted against the debate.
Somehow both parties thought that an open debate about the crimes of Dick Cheney would somehow embarrass.... the Democrats?
Here is what happened:
As promised, Kucinich requested a floor vote on H.Res. 333 , and asexpected, Steny Hoyer moved to table the bill. And then all hell broke loose as 165 Republicans voted with Kucinich and 85 other brave Democrats to force a debate on impeachment and thereby embarass Nancy Pelosi. To block that debate, Hoyer moved to send H.Res. 333 back to theJudiciary Committee, and that motion passed with the support of all but5 Democrats (Kucinich, Bob Filner, Marcy Kaptur, Maxine Waters, and Ed Towns). A live blog of the proceedings is posted athttp://impeachcheney.org/
Or you can read a colorful account by another blogger (but beware the foul language)So what do we do next to move impeachment forward?
1. Call the House Judiciary Committee at 202-225-3951 and demandhearings on H.Res. 333.
2. Email all of the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee:http://www.democrats.com/topelosiandjudiciary
3. If you live in the district of a House Judiciary Committee member,call their office and tell them you're a constituent and you wantimmediate hearings on H.Res. 333. Then join your Congressional DistrictImpeachment Committee http://democrats.com/cdic-find and organize a HonkToImpeach rally http://www.democrats.com/honktoimpeach in front of your Representative's district office. Then keep up the pressure on your Representative every way you can, including letters tothe editor, calls to local talk shows, and pointed questions at everycommunity forum attended by your Representative.4. If your Congress Member is not on the Judiciary Committee, ask themto cosponsor H Res 333:http://www.democrats.com/impeach-cheney-congressional-record5. Start a media campaign including op-ed articles on impeaching Cheney,letters-to-the-editor about the Kucinich resolution, and informationalpicketing in front of the offices of local media, particularly inDetroit for Conyers and NY City for Nadler. Media activism kit:http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/748 And ask the talk shows to givethe Republicans the impeachment debate they claim they wanted:http://afterdowningstreet.org/node/10846. Ask pollsters to poll the public on impeachment, especially ofCheney: http://www.democrats.com/impeachment-poll-petition7. Watch for updates and notice of a national conference call with Rep.Dennis Kucinich at http://impeachcheney.org/
-- Sue UdryLegislative Action CoordinatorUnited for Peace and Justice
301-565-4050 x315
visit our website: http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=3116
support our work: http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=160
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