
Most disturbing paragraph I've read in years

Wayne Madsen (WMR) reports fascinating stuff. Check out his site:


One of his sources told him this:

July 1, 2006 -- A former top Defense Department official has told WMR that he fears the Bush administration will pull off another "911" before the November election. The official stated that the next 911 will be used as a pretext for shipping U.S. citizens of Middle East descent to mass detention camps, establish martial law, impose strict censorship, and finally eliminate the power of the Congress and the Supreme Court over the president. "The next 911 will be much more like the Reichstag fire in terms of creating a dictatorship," said the official.

Okay, say you don't believe that would ever happen.

Say you don't think the Bush people are THAT bad. . . (still wearing those rose-colored glasses, are you?)

Let's just engage in a little intellectual exploration of possible strategies. In the face of a second 9/11, what does the opposition say and do to prevent the scenario from playing out the way Bush et al wants it to?

What are our options?

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