
Recount 2000 - A look back

The movie Recount is playing in the room as I work on this Installation Guide. I should really turn it off because it is intense (for me). Watching it also roused my curiosity and I decided to check out the result of the unofficial recount that was conducted later to see who would have won, if every vote had been counted. This is what Wikipedia says:

In the aftermath of the election, the first independent recount was conducted by The Miami Herald and USA Today. Counting only "undervotes" (when the vote is not detected by machine), and not considering "overvotes" (when a ballot ends up with more than one indication of a vote, for example both a punch-out and hand-written name, even if both indicating the same candidate) Bush would have won in all legally requested recount scenarios.

If overvotes where the intent of the voter was clear were counted, using any consistent standard for 'clear intent of the voter', Gore would have won.

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